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Sunburn Remedies for Camping or Home

ALOE VERA – This miracle skin plant has been around for thousands of years and was used for healing by ancient civilizations. Aloe Vera has natural healing properties; best of all its soothing, cool properties help pull the heat out of the sunburn and provide sunburn pain relief. When you buy an Aloe product, check how much Aloe it really has, as many of these products contain only a small amount. The best is to buy 100% Aloe Vera Gel. For a moisturizing effect, open a Vitamin E capsule and mix with the gel.

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR – Apple Cider Vinegar is also a well known home remedy for sunburn. It is known to relieve pain and help to prevent blisters. Your best choice for vinegar is all-natural vinegar purchased from the health food store, rather than the grocery store, which usually contains preservative and additives. To apply, soak gauze or use cotton balls and dab affected areas.

MILK - Milk has soothing and healing properties and will nourish and soften your skin. It’s probably something you will have right in your camping cooler. But you should try washing it off at the end of the day, or you may smell like cheese in the morning. If you’re at home, pour a whole gallon into a tub of cool water; you can also sprinkle a packet of dried milk into your tub. For some additional healing benefits, you can add a cup of ground oatmeal.

TEA – Tea contains tannic acid that helps to eliminate the sting of a burn. Wet the tea bags and lay on the burn location. If you are at home, put several tea bags in a tub of cool water, let it steep for a while, then have a soak.

BAKING SODA – Baking soda seems to be a natural home remedy for just about everything, and sunburn is no exception. A good soak in a baking soda bath soothes the skin, takes away the sting, reduces the redness, and almost everyone has a box lying around. You can also make a paste with water and soothe it over the burn.

Take it easy out there is summer and remember, you are probably burning before you feel it!

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