8 Cups (1920mL), cooked and mashed
¼ Cup (60mL) hot milk
1 tsp (5mL) salt
1 Cup (240mL) sour cream
2 Tbsp (30mL) butter
¼ Cup (60mL) chopped green onion
To potatoes, add sour cream, butter, milk, salt, and pepper. Using low-speed electric mixer, beat mixture until just smooth. Stir in green onion. Spoon in a greased shallow baking dish. Spread horseradish glaze (see below) over potato mixture. Bake uncovered for 45 – 50 minutes or until lightly browned and heated through.
Horseradish Glaze
1/3 Cup (80mL) mayonnaise
2 Tbsp (30mL) prepared horseradish
¼ tsp (1.25mL) ground pepper
¼ Cup (60mL) sour cream
1 Tbsp (15mL) chopped green onion
Combine all ingredients. Blend well.
Recipe from: Cheri Christianse
These could be the best potatoes you’ll ever eat!
6 – 8 potatoes
1 8 oz. package cream cheese
½ Cup (120mL) milk
½ Cup (120mL) butter
1 Cup (240mL) grated cheddar cheese
1 tsp (5mL) dill
½ Cup (120mL) chopped green onion
2 Cups (480mL) steamed broccoli
salt and pepper to taste
Boil and mash potatoes. Add all ingredients together, except half of grated cheese. Put into casserole dish and sprinkle remaining cheese on top. Bake in 350° F oven for 1 hour.
Recipe from: Jackie Hoge
4 Cups (960 mL) potatoes, cooked, peeled and cubed (about 6 or 7 whole potatoes) 1 Cup (240 mL) Miracle Whip or mayonnaise 1 tsp (5 mL) mustard 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) celery seeds 1/2 tsp (2.5 mL) salt 1/8 tsp (.5 mL) pepper 2 hard boiled eggs, chopped 1/2 Cup (120 mL) onion, chopped 1/2 Cup (120 mL) celery, finely chopped 1/2 Cup (120 mL) sweet pickles, finely chopped
Boil potatoes whole, with the skins on, in salted water for about 15 to 20 minutes until they are tender in the middle when pricked with a fork. Do not over-boil or the salad will be mushy. Cool the potatoes a bit, then peel them, cut them into cubes and place in a large bowl. In a separate smaller bowl, combine the mayonnaise, mustard, celery seeds, salt, and pepper. Mix well. Add the chopped eggs, onion, celery, and pickles and mix together to combine. Pour dressing over the cubed potatoes and mix lightly so as not to break up the potatoes too much. Cover and chill until time to serve.
Since potatoes contain significant amounts of carbohydrates, they are easy to digest and facilitate digestion. This makes them an excellent food source for patients, babies, and those who cannot digest hard food but need energy.
Can potatoes make you smart? Proper brain function depends largely on glucose levels, oxygen supply, the presence of certain B complex vitamins, and various hormones, amino acids, and fatty acids (like omega-3). Potatoes provide most of these essential components.
A single medium-sized potato contains about 620 mg of potassium – that's more than a banana. Potassium helps ensure optimal muscle performance, and improves nerve response to stimulation. Iron, essential in helping the body convert food to energy as well as resist infection, is also present in potatoes.
Potatoes contain no fat or cholesterol, and minimal sodium. Their skins contain dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and provide most of the potato’s flavor. A six-ounce potato contains 2 grams of highly digestible protein, almost as much as half a glass of milk.
A medium-sized potato contains 45% of the daily recommended value for vitamin C, at least as much potassium as a banana or an average serving of spinach or broccoli, trace amounts of thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium, phosphorous, iron, and zinc. All this and only 110 calories, and no fat.
Potato skins are an excellent source of fiber. In fact, with 2 grams of fiber per serving, a potato equals or exceeds that of many whole grain products, including whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta, and many cereals.