In February, Newsy’s Aleesha and Denise went to Tessa’s Nutriment Tune-Up (TNT) to have a live blood cell analysis. Aleesha had done a similar analysis in Calgary a few years ago and was excited to try it out locally, we per a referral from another local business. Denise just tagged along as she normally does when Aleesha does something cool.
So, first things first: the process. You get a tiny finger pin prick, and Tessa puts 8 drops of blood on a slide, which shows different parts of your blood. The first drop shows **, the second**, third **, fourth **, fifth **, sixth**, seventh** and finally, 8th**. Tessa puts the blood under a microscope, and it’s instantly projected onto a laptop. Your blood does not get sent to a lab – you do the test right then and there.
Aleesha was first on the docket, and a tiny finger pin prick showed Tessa all about Aleesha. Tessa knew instantly that Aleesha has back pains, and needs to eat better and lower her stress levels. Aleesha was first on the docket, and a tiny finger pin prick showed Tessa all about Aleesha. Tessa knew instantly that Aleesha has back pains, just from looking at the blood cells, how cool is that. Her blood cells were low in oxygen. Hemoglobin is an iron protein that carries oxygen to all body parts. When red blood cell levels are too low, the body parts do not get enough oxygen. As a result, they cannot work properly. Aleesha needs to eat better and lower her stress levels. Denise was next. A tiny pin prick on her finger showed that she’s fairly healthy! She had a little bit of sludge in her blood, which is also known as “clumping”. Clumping can cause clotting if allowed to progress; clotting can cause blood vessel blockage and subsequent heart attacks and strokes. The blood cells have lost their integrity and flow, a lot like molten lava. It is due to poor nutrition. To repair, it’s recommended she increase water, fruits and veggies and take 2 tbsp of flax oil every day. Aleesha's blood showed that she needed to eat slower and she was low in magnesium, so she purchased a jar of magnesium rub from Lil Hoots Consignment Boutique. Overall, her blood showed that she was doing pretty good but just needed to up some.
Denise had some “wish-bone” like cells, which meant she had a lack of iodine and exercise (most likely due to a recent broken wrist). She also had “rouleau”, which resembles a stack of rolled coins. RBC (red blood cells) are negatively charged and should repel each other. But when you have poor nutrition and are dehydrated, you develop rouleau. Cells pass through the capillaries in single file and Rouleau inhibits the process. They may also be a result of stress… which Denise tends to have a LOT of in her life! You can repair Rouleau by drinking more water, and taking Betaine Hydrochloride, Niacin 200mg timed release, and proteolytic enzymes between meals.
Each test took approximately an hour, which included going through the results. Thank you, Tessa, for introducing us to a Live Blood Cell Analysis! We hope you check her out once the world is back to norm