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Nutritional Cabbage Recipes


1 head of cabbage, quartered 1 apple, peeled and chopped 1/3 Cup (80mL) of vegetable broth 1 medium onion, chopped ¼ Cup (60mL) mozzarella cheese, shredded 1/3 Cup (80mL) of white wine 3 Tbsp. (45mL) of freshly chopped parsley fresh dill

Preheat the oven to 350° F (180° C), Place the 4 quarters of cabbage in a casserole dish and top with chopped onion, dill, apple, mozzarella cheese, and parsley. Add the vegetable broth and white wine, cover with foil, and bake until the cabbage is tender. Low-fat mozzarella works well, but for a more creamy texture, use regular mozzarella.


1 ½ Cup (360mL) Savoy cabbage ½ Cup (120mL) French beans, trimmed ½ Cup (120mL) cashew nuts 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed 1 small red chili 1 large carrot 2 tablespoons sunflower oil For the sauce: 1 tablespoon lime juice 3 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons light soy sauce 1 tablespoon dry sherry 1.5 cm freshly grated root ginger pepper

Mix together the sauce ingredients in a bowl and let stand. Heat the oil and add the cashew nuts, stir-fry until golden. Remove them from the pan and drain on a paper towel. Chop and de-seed the chillies. Cut the beans in half. Cut the carrot into batons. Reheat the oil and add the garlic, chili and ginger. Stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add the beans and cook for 3 minutes. Add the cabbage and carrot, and stir-fry for 3 minutes. Pour in the sauce and lower the heat. Cook for a few more minutes, then stir in the nuts.


1 can (12oz) sauerkraut

1 large onion – sliced

½ jar pimento

1 green pepper – thinly sliced

½ Cup (120mL) vinegar

½ Cup (120mL) olive oil

½ Cup (120mL) sugar

Rinse and drain sauerkraut, then add all the other ingredients – allow to marinate overnight. Will keep refrigerated for a couple of weeks. Very good with anything bbq’d.

Recipe from: Gladys Neufeld – Calgary, Alberta

The cabbage was revered by the ancient Greeks for its many medicinal properties.

Cato, a Roman statesman, circa 200 BC, advised anyone with plans to tie one on (he referred to it as “drinking deeply”) to eat plenty of raw cabbage seasoned with vinegar before hand. The ancient Egyptians similarly advised their hard-drinking citizenry to start their meals with raw cabbage, including cabbage seeds, to maintain some semblance of sobriety. And when that failed, cabbage was also a widely recommended hangover cure!

In its raw state, cabbage contains iron, calcium, and potassium. High marks are given for its vitamin C content. Cabbage is also high in vitamins B1, B2, and B3. Lengthy cooking tends to lower its nutritional value considerably.

Pickling is an excellent way to preserve the vitamin C in cabbage. In fact, Captain Cook attributed his crew's good health to a daily ration of sauerkraut

For centuries the Chinese have dried cabbage and stored them for winter. Rehydrated in water, they offer flavour and nourishment when added to soups or stir-fries.

A well-known remedy for healing peptic ulcers is drinking cabbage juice. A medical study at Stanford University's School of Medicine gave thirteen ulcer patients five doses a day of cabbage juice. All were healed within seven to ten days, apparently thanks to the vitamin U contained in cabbage juice.

Researchers have learned that foods in the cabbage family can inhibit the growth of breast, stomach, and colon cancers, thanks to phytochemicals called indoles. These indoles tend to burn up the female hormone, estrogen. Indoles also tend to ward off cell changes that can lead to colon cancer.


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